Брокер «lawyer-paradize.com» - отзывы клиентов и сотрудников о работе

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Отзывы о lawyer-paradize.com

Сайт юрист-paradize.com получил негативные отзывы от клиентов и сотрудников, которые утверждают, что компания заинтересована только в получении их денег. Веб-сайт обвиняют в наличии дубликатов и покупке отзывов, чтобы их услуги выглядели лучше, чем они есть на самом деле. Кроме того, компанию обвиняют в мошеннической деятельности, в том числе в схеме развода, в которой они утверждают, что нашли деньги, переведенные на криптокошелек, а затем просят клиентов заплатить комиссию несуществующему банку. Клиентов предупреждают, чтобы они были осторожны и проверяли перед переводом денег.

Что такое lawyer-paradize.com?

Good day

Pls be informed about scammers

I get emails from them:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

I checked that the real addresses should be as follows:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

There is an official website of scammers https://lawyer-paradize.com/ On this site I did not apply for help, and I do not know how they found my contact phone number.

Communication was through +447869447296 Dmitry Berezhnoy , +447751480576 Alexandr Shevtsov (WhatsApp)

Indeed, I traded on the platform of the broker Toroption and lost my investment in the amount of 3656 euros. When my balance on the Toroption trading platform reached approximately $103,000. I made a withdrawal request of $10,000. My agent leaked my balance. Accused me of making a bet.

After talking on the phone, they ([email protected]) invited me to write a statement to the FCA, explaining that Lawyer-paradize cooperates with the FCA. Files attached:

Lawyers Application.pdf

Lawyers Paradise Agreement.pdf

FCA logo used in Application form

After signing the contract, Dmitry called me and said that FCA had found the seized funds of Toroption.There is my money and they can be returned. Sent me a file Personal Statement-Vinogradovs_Vladimirs.pdf from the mail [email protected] This file was created on 20.01.2022 and edited on 04.07.2022. The data is mine, but the wallet address is not mine. The first call from them was 26.06.2022

Look at the properties of the document to see that it is a fake. They offered two options to whiten the wallet.

1) 3% of the amount - 79790.12 = 2393.70 this amount I will lose by giving money to the blockchain.

2) For 4000 euros to get a certificate. This amount will be transferred to my wallet. I chose the second option and transferred money to cryptocurrency buyers through the Paysend exchanger led by Dmitry. From my bank card. And another 1410 euros Western Union.

Then it was necessary to pay 1% of the amount of LHV bank !!!

Then it was necessary to pay 1% of the amount of LHV bank. I refused and asked for an explanation of where my money was going. To which I received unclear and incomprehensible answers. Then it was necessary to pay 1% of the amount of LHV bank. I refused and asked for an explanation of where my money was going. To which I received unclear and incomprehensible answers.

From: Blockchain.com ;

Sent: 9 July 2022. 15:21

To: Vinogradovs Vladimirs

Subject: RE: #4420

Good afternoon, dear Vladimirs Vinogradovs!

Your conversion case was immediately transferred to our partner bank LHV Bank for execution after your verbal consent to timely deprive Fibofix of the opportunity to protest the transfer in the amount of 4.3038 BTC.

Your 4.566157 BTC was subject to a mandatory declaration at the time of withdrawal in the amount of 1 BTC = 29,986 USD. After processing the request, a representative office of LHV-Bank will contact you to make the transfer.

From: Agent Support [email protected]

Sent: 11 July 2022. 17:12

To: Vinogradovs Vladimirs

Subject: Respond to request

Hello Vladimirs Vinogradovs, we provide an answer to your request.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to withhold the cost of the conversion service as well as the cost of the international transfer service from the amount of your transfer due to the imposed declaration.

The total payment amount is $ 5019.57. Payment is made to the internal wallet in Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Your case has a time limit until 07/18/2022.

To make a transfer, provide us with the details and the desired transfer currency. After that, payment details will be sent to you.


LHV bank

From: Agent Support [email protected]

Sent: 13 July 2022. 18:14

To: Vinogradovs Vladimirs

Subject: Details

Hello, Vladimirs Vinogradovs, we are contacting you to make a transfer.

Conversion into euros is carried out at the interbank rate of 1 USD = 0.993647 EUR.

The converted amount to be sent is EUR 99,753.73.

Recipient details:

Bank name - SWEDBANK AS

Account number - LV35HABA0551037224010


Recipient - Vladimirs Vinogradovs

Country - Latvia

To make a transfer, you need to pay the conversion service in the amount of 4% of the conversion amount and the commission for the transfer to the international payment system Visa / Mastercard in the amount of 1% of the transfer amount. The total payment amount is $ 5019.57, payment is made in Bitcoin cryptocurrency at the current BTC-USD exchange rate to the details of the internal wallet - 1G5uHxRiABjZqs5a5UudwE7iEiAwufgHXB.

After payment, provide us with a check/receipt.

Once the transfer is completed, you will receive an official confirmation.


LHV bank

Before these letters, I received a call from the number +447458149886 (probably VPN) and introduced myself as an employee blockchain.com the conversation was in Russian language.

LHV Bank really does not exist, there is LHV Pank. A striking coincidence in the abbreviation! The difference is only one letter.This is a calculation on the carelessness of the victim of fraud. Almost identical as mailbox addresses.

If necessary, I can provide all correspondence and conversations on a mobile phone (in Russian language) and contact details. As well as receipts and transfers of my funds to different wallets under the guidance of scammers.

Everything is stored on my computer.

Sincerely, Vladimirs Vinogradovs

Resident of Latvia

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даный сайт Лоер Парадайз сделан лишь для того чтобы замылить вам глаза, на деле у них много дублей и когда вы гайдете отзывы о их работе они начнут говорить, что все отзывы купленые и что сами такие могут сделать и вообще их мало. А моло их потому что сайтов много...
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Всем Привет!
Решил написать отзыв циничного развода на деньги
От мошенников https://lawyer-paradize.com/
Легко проверить на сайте WHOIS введите вышеуказанный сайт
Реклама 15 лет юридических услуг и т.д.
А вот домен зарегистрирован только 14.01.2022
Я общался с Дмитрий Бережной, Александр Шевцов и Марк Гебельсон (Крылов)
Конечно фамилии выдуманные скорее всего.
Марк был Гебельсон потом стал Крылов !!!
Схема развода:...

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