IT компания «GGA Software Services» - отзывы клиентов и сотрудников о работе

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Что такое GGA Software Services?

About GGA Software Services

GGA Software Services provides best-in-class scientific informatics software engineering in life sciences, material sciences, and chemistry. Since its formation in 1994, GGA has grown to be a world-class expert in bio- and cheminformatics. GGA is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, while its software development facility is in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

What we do

Our solutions are in high demand with pharmaceutical, medical device, and scientific instrumentation businesses, as well as the software and publishing companies that provide products for those sectors, research institutes and universities. We participate in the development of next-generation medicines, cutting-edge scientific research technologies, and advanced clinical investigation methods. We have clients from all over the world, including the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, and the Netherlands. Our clients range from innovative startups to global pharmaceutical giants.

We are professionals in a wide range of software services:

·         Algorithm development

·         Knowledge management

·         Technical support

·         Database maintenance

·         Software engineering

·         Data curation

·         Big data services

We have completed over 250 diverse and challenging projects for more than 50 clients, including:

·         Cheminformatics tools: molecule editor, molecule search engine, molecule sketcher.

·         Bioinformatics tools: tools to search in a database of amino-acid sequences, tools for registering proteins and antibodies, genome and sequence optical map visualization system, platform for therapeutic dose prediction.

·         Large enterprise level solutions:  multi-tier systems to support high-throughput screening, plate registration, compound and plate ordering within the organization.

·         Algorithms: recognition of sleep-wake state transitions, segmentation of ultrasound images, fingerprint detection, identification of brain structures, analysis of SPECT images.

·         Business workflow applications for financial analysis, project expense assignment, dashboards, and collaboration solutions.

·         Microsoft SharePoint® portals: custom blogs for corporate departments, custom ontology-based search engine for customer helpdesk.*

*GGA Software Services has established a Microsoft SharePoint® Center of Excellence in its Saint Petersburg facility.

·         Unique content databases: glass materials database, drugs toxicity database.

·         Mobile applications: mobile versions of GGA`s cheminformatics solutions, Microsoft SharePoint applications customized to run on mobile devices, online mobile games.

·         Big Data solutions: unstructured data processing, data acquisition and consolidation, data extraction and quality control, data visualization

…and many more.

Understanding that our expertise in scientific informatics can generate more value beyond the scope of commercial contracts, we have launched a number of internal projects and granted them to the open-source community. The open-source initiatives are an additional benefit for our engineers as they provide vast possibilities to apply creative approaches and implement bright ideas. Visit to see the full list, detailed descriptions, and demonstrations of our open-source projects.

Aside from our main focus on chem- and bioinformatics, in the recent years GGA has undertaken projects to develop financial and banking software instruments, internet telephony, and mobile applications.

Our software development process involves the use of a broad variety of technologies: latest operating systems, programming languages and tools, database management systems, web development tools, web servers, network protocols, data standards, and e-commerce platforms. We established partnerships with Oracle, Novell, Cisco, and Microsoft (in “Portals and Collaboration”, “Network Infrastructure”, “Solution Provider”, “Learning partner”).

Why GGA?

The Saint Petersburg team of software engineers and data curation groups consists of almost 500 professionals. Our staff includes project managers, software engineers, GUI designers, QA specialists, network infrastructure/hardware support, technical writers, data entry engineers, and curation specialists. We take pride in the fact that a considerable number of the employees have PhD and MS degrees in computer science-related disciplines or natural sciences.

Our success highly depends on the talents and efforts contributed by the people who work for the company. In turn, we do our best to provide comfortable work conditions and opportunities for self-development for our employees:

·         You will be able to apply your scientific or engineering background in practice.

·         You will participate in science-based software development of innovative products for perspective and fast-developing industries and clients.

·         We encourage personal accomplishments and offer a diversity of career paths and opportunities for fast professional growth.

·         You will work in a team of highly-skilled professionals.

·         You will be able to develop your expertise by participating in trainings, meetings, and workshops in Saint Petersburg and also in Europe and the United States.

·         We maintain a democratic and friendly atmosphere in the office and adhere to the principles of individual and considerate approach to our employees.

·         Your work schedule can be flexible so that you can keep a healthy work-life balance.

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Новые отзывы
  • Отзыв: Кидают на последнюю зарплату.

  • Отзыв: Основное направление это отмывание денег с онлайн казино, вся работа заключается в поиске индийских дропов которые будут принимать деньги на свои счета и обменивать их в криптовалюту. Развития никакого, а

  • Отзыв: Недобросовестный гендир, обманывает работников и клиентов.

    Минусы: Недобросовестный гендир, обманывает работников и клиентов.

    Плюсы: Нет

  • Отзыв: Банальная помойка. Работать с людьми не умеют от слова совсем. Офис грязный, хуже общаги, такие же и коллеги. Не тратьте время и нервы, не стоит того эта шарага.

    Минусы: Банальная помойка. Работать с людьми не умеют от слова совсем. Офис грязный, хуже общаги, такие же и коллеги. Не тратьте время и нервы, не стоит того эта шарага.

    Плюсы: Нет

  • Отзыв: КИДАЛИ!!!!НЕ ПЛАТЯТЬ ЗАРПЛАТУ!!!!Обіцяють ринкову зарплату, але повірте, НІХТО НІЧОГО ВАМ НЕ ЗАПЛАТИТЬ!Не витрачайте на них свій час. Розповідають казки про бухгалтерію, затримку оплати клієнтів. Спочатку домовляються, що оплата після відпрацьованого

    Минусы: Не платят зарплатню.Повний хаос.

    Плюсы: Немає

  • Отзыв: В компании работают неадекватные HR. Одна из них - Ольга Лихолетова. Ей не понравилось моя мотивация (кто бы знал, что она под этим понимает) на основании чего мне отказали в трудоустройстве,

    Минусы: В компании работают неадекватные HR. Одна из них - Ольга Лихолетова. Ей не понравилось моя мотивация (кто бы знал, что она под этим понимает) на основании чего мне отказали в трудоустройстве,

    Плюсы: нет