«Norgren» - отзывы сотрудников и клиентов

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Что такое Norgren?

Creating competitive advantage around the world Norgren’s vision is to create competitive advantage for its customers. By exploiting the potential of motion and fluid control technologies Norgren engineers apply their dedicated skills and resources to fully understand customers’ needs and processes so that they can develop smarter, more inventive and more effective solutions. For Norgren customers this means better results, faster/more efficient machines, improved machine performance, increased reliability/uptime and lower cost of ownership. Application specific solutions From the ultra fine control of a dosing valve for a child’s respirator, to the arduous environment of on-board vehicle suspension systems, Norgren is committed to optimising technological performance for its customers’ advantage. Norgren’s systems are engineered for flexibility based on strong product fundamentals. Application specific solutions frequently involve integrated or modular combinations of actuator, control valve and air preparation technologies. Within the field of motion control Norgren develops complete solutions for automation applications and within the field of fluid control Norgren combines the proven brands of Herion, Buschjost, KIP and Webber to offer extensive solutions for the handling of air, water, oil and other fluids. Experience and understanding Norgren has a wealth of understanding and experience in many different industry sectors – from packaging and PET bottling to on-board commercial vehicles, from semiconductor manufacturing to medical care and from printing and textiles to automotive manufacturing and rail transportation. Knowledgeable experienced people Key account managers and sales engineers are focused on developing new generations of platform product as well as design engineering application specific solutions to meet individual customer requirements. With three global technical centres in USA, Germany and the UK Norgren is supported by IMI Vision, the technology arm of Norgren’s £1.57bn parent company IMI. Fresh innovative solutions Norgren engineers listen, interpret, resolve and engineer fresh solutions that deliver real competitive advantage. With a vast amount of industry experience and applications expertise they are knowledgeable about legislation, standards and specifications. Their commercial acumen means that they understand and can respond to business issues such as return on investment, cost of ownership, time to market and technology leadership. Added value solutions Norgren also offers an unrivalled range of added value services designed to save time, provide up to the minute information and make doing business easy. Specialists are on hand to apply their expertise to help with product selection, single sourcing, circuit and control system design and customised training. The Norgren pioneering range of online services gives the customer everything needed to select design and purchase over the web. Reliable global support With established manufacturing facilities in USA, Germany, UK, Switzerland, and Spain and with newer facilities in Mexico and the Czech Republic Norgren has the global manufacturing and support capabilities to be able to cope with the most demanding international projects. Drawing on many years of experience of handling major projects across national boundaries Norgren can harness global resources to match its customers’ own operations. With support through an established sales and service network in 75 countries Norgren has the global reach and capability to ensure continuity of supply and local support where it is needed for customers involved in export markets or multi site operations. Part of the IMI Group Norgren is part of the diverse and internationally successful £1.57 billion IMI Group - confirming our financial strength, stability, and dependability. IMI is a dynamic international engineering business specialising in innovative products and services for major global customers in strong niche markets. The company operates in two main areas of activity, fluid controls (pneumatics, severe service valves and indoor climate) and retail dispense (beverage dispense and merchandising systems).

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    Минусы: заманивает низкими ценами

    Плюсы: их нет

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    Минусы: Фантазеры

    Плюсы: Нет

  • Отзыв: Администратор магазина на Старовокзальной хамка. На вопрос где цена на товар отвечает не знаю. Ценники и товар лежит как попало, что невозможно разобраться где какой товар и сколько он стоит,

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    Плюсы: Продавцы очень любезные и приятные, всегда помогут, подскажут и посоветуют.

  • Отзыв: Магазин м. Південне, Харківського району. Пятниця, вечір. Хочу купить потрібний мені товар. Все в наявності, все добре. Іду оплачувати на вільну касу. І тут якісь дива. Спочатку чекаю поки оформлять

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    Минусы: 3 дня не могли дать внятного ответа , потом сказали что якобы я выбрала не тот банк, поэтому вернуть ничего не смогут! При том, что банк был выбран верный

    Плюсы: Их нет