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«Arvato mobile» - отзывы сотрудников и клиентов
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Вы представитель компании?Что такое Arvato mobile?
Company Profile
Arvato Mobile is Europe's leading mobile entertainment provider, owned by the Bertelsmann Group. It enables network operators, media companies and internet-portals to offer their customer first-rate mobile content and innovative applications. Arvato Mobile works closely with the music industry and rights holders from the movie-, games- and television-industry.
Arvato Mobile develops and implements mobile solutions that help network operators, Internet portals and media companies to increase their customer satisfaction and their revenues across the mobile value chain.
Their B2C-brands handy.de and tj net help Arvato Mobile to stay close to the consumer. They use the experiences they have gained since 1999 with these leading mobile entertainment portals to improve the business of their B2B- customers.
Arvato Mobile’s Offer:
As a full service provider Arvato Mobile develops and distributes successful mobile solutions. Through their strong relationships with operators, media / entertainment companies and manufacturers, they are able to react quickly and flexibly to implement technical enhancements. Their offer comprises Messaging Services, Mobile Direct Marketing, Mobile Voting Services and technical delivery platform inclusive WAP and WEB representation. As a white label content provider they are able to handle the complete content offering including category and Royalty Management.
As a content solutions provider for the B2B market, Arvato Mobile produces and distributes an extensive content catalogue to their customers (mobile operators, ISPs, media companies). They have licenses and agreements with major music publishing companies, music labels, movie studios, and well-known brands
Sales and distribution of handsets and contracts: Through the own sales channel (www.handy.de) and through partners (TV, online, direct marketing and print) Sales of accessories: More than 18.000 mobile phone accessories are on sale through our Internet offers Enabling shop solutions for 3rd parties: Co-branded offers for selected partners, white label shop design using partner's own CI Contract handling and logistics for 3rd parties: Distribution and logistics, customer identity checks, dedicated info channels to inform customer about order status through SMS, eMail, and snail mail. Call center support: Order management, customer support for pre- and after-sales services. SMS/MMS, Premium SMS Services: SMS/MMS Services, Voting, Opinion, News, Chat Integration of mobile solutions: Integration of mobile solutions in existing IT infrastructure Mobile Interactive TV: SMS 2 TV, SMS 2 Teletext, SMS 2 Web, mobile TV formats Mobile CRM: mobile CRM solutions such as mobile coupons, mobile miles Mobile marketing: target group orientated marketing with brand-specific Logos, Sounds and Games, price draws and opinion polls Mobile business: mobile solutions for field service, mobile access to business and management data Micropayment / subscription services: Micropayment through mobile phone bill (up to 10€) and installation of subsription services including payment solutionsWith its products and services Arvato Mobile is excellently positioned within the European market. Their customers belong to the following sectors:
Operators: They distribute their mobile entertainment solutions to leading European operators and have a very high market share. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland Arvato Mobile reaches more than 80% of mobile subscribers with our services. Furthermore they are expanding to the East European and North American markets. ISP / MSP / Portals: They provide their products to numerous mobile and Internet service providers and large Internet portals in the field of media and entertainment. Manufacturers: Regarding handset manufacturers they work together on a technical basis and in the mobile entertainment field. They are distributor for preinstalled content and operate and maintain mobile entertainment portals for WAP and WEB.Media companies: They work together with music companies and they provide the mobile extension to their products. They also provide the digital platform for mobile services to publishers and radio networks.
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Отзыв: За замовленням Хамон Серрано Villar отримала товар, мяко кажучи неналежної якості. На 1 кг хамону 500 гр прогорклого, жовтого жиру. Навіть якщо обрізати той смерд.чий жир, хамон не можна їсти
Плюсы: -
Отзыв: Абсолютно подтверждаю предыдущие отзывы. Очень токсичная компания. Отношение к работникам как к рабам. Принижают, оскорбляют, постоянно пинают (морально). При расчете надули. Говорят сами, что не кидают. Кидают они. При этом
Минусы: Все описал выше
Плюсы: Нет вообще
Отзыв: Улыбайтесь! Шеф любит идиотов! Бриллиантовая рука1. Отсутствие исполнительской дисциплины:за время своей работы в компании я увидела повторяющиеся примеры того, что практически любое поручение, указание генерального директора или договорённости по результатам
Отзыв: Ця компанія — зло. Весь топ-менеджмент цієї компанії гнилий від початку до кінця. Керівництво цієї компанії робитиме все можливе, щоб, незважаючи на величезні прибутки, зекономити на своїх співробітниках кожну копійку.
Отзыв: Мошенническая шарашкина конторка с красивой вывеской. Одно время размещали липовые вакансии на сайтах а-ля Ворк.юа и РАБота.юа, на собеседования звали всех подряд невзирая на опыт и стаж работы. Собеседования проводилО
Плюсы: Разве что посмеяться с этого дурдома на выезде.
Отзыв: Проработал в Да будет чистота плюс (плюс добавили в ту же контору после жалоб, это что бы было понятно, что это одна и та же контора, только добавили плюс) месяц,
Минусы: Мошенничество
Плюсы: Нет ни одного