Vertu Russia - отзывы сотрудников и клиентов



Vertu is the pioneer and leading manufacturer of luxury mobile phones. Created to complement the discerning customer's lifestyle, Vertu offers tailored, luxury services in combination with the finest in design, engineering and manufacture. With three distinct collections - Signature, Ascent and Constellation - Vertu uses innovations in manufacturing technology with traditional technology with traditional craftsmanship, assembling each phone at the company's headquarters in England. Vertu is available in over 65 countries in a  high number of own retail and partner stores as well as multibrand stores worldwide.

Vertu’s mission statement is

“To offer an integrated, consumer-focused luxury mobile experience that delivers ‘Life Beautifully Arranged’, based on quality, innovation and efficiency.”

Vertu Values and Behaviours:


Passion for excellence

Perfecting the customer experience

Respect and recognition of unique talents

Entrepreneurial spirit


The Vertu Behaviours translate our values into practical guidelines that support our strong performance culture

Integrity – Integrity means the ability to take responsibility and hold oneself accountable, whether as a leader of a team or as an individual. It means acting as a model of good behaviour and encouraging others to be honest, trustworthy and dependable.

Confidence - Confidence is about a belief in one’s ability to accomplish a task successfully, the skill to handle change and adapt to new situations, and the ability to incorporate all this into the work environment in a positive, active manner.

Desire - Desire means a determination to see initiatives through to a clear and constructive conclusion, realistically assessing what is possible and what will have the maximum positive impact.

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