joberate - отзывы сотрудников и клиентов

Россия, Москва


Категория: Услуги
Joberate was founded in 2010 as part of the Finnish recruitment company - Kiitos Consulting Ltd. The head office of Joberate is located in Helsinki and operates internationally. Our objective is to help companies find the best candidates by posting their job ads in the right channels. Joberate understood rapidly the changes in people´s lifestyle and decided to focus on digital media in order to reach active and passive job seekers. We have been conducting deep research on channels in different markets around the world and we are ready to serve clients internationally. In general, we hope to improve human resourcing and to increase understanding interculturally. Joberate offers an easy and cost-efficient way to publish your job ad in relevant digital media channels including social networks, native job boards, blogs, forums and niche sites. You have one-click access to different job boards and digital media channels globally. The service is very easy to use; you just have to post the URL link of your job ad on, after which you will be free to browse the recommended channels having a choice to accept the proposal only if you are completely satisfied with the channel options. Our young, highly motivated, innovative and multicultural Joberate team members are all professionals in recruitment and digital media, and are ready to assist you in any way.
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